Groundwork: Farm Parables and the Cultivation of Faith

In a culture of constant change, one can find groundedness by going "back to the land". Collison uses agricultural, biblical, and personal stories help the reader renew one's spirit and find direction through Jesus' farm parables in current day application. By turning over the soil in one's soul, vibrant spirituality and life-changing discipleship can emerge.

Rebecca Collison

Rebecca Collison

A former newspaper reporter and special education teacher, Rev. Dr. Rebecca "Becky" Kelly Collison is an ordained elder currently serving as the senior pastor at Mariner's Bethel Global Methodist Church, Ocean View, DE. Having served churches in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, she currently lives with her husband Glenn on the corner of the family farm in Harrington, Delaware and enjoys the company of family, including their six children and growing number of grandchildren.

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    300 Delaware Ave. Suite 210 #451 Wilmington, DE 19801 United States


    (302) 295-2278